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Marketing, Promotions, Events & Advertising Strategy
Every business needs some form of marketing regardless of size. Marketing covers a wide range of networking and person to person communication as well as demographic and geographic research. "Know your market." If you don't have the time to get out there and learn about it, it's a good idea to hire a marketing expert for a consultation at the very least. Bassett Marketing & Promotion knows the Plymouth and Cape Cod market from years working here in the marketing industry.
Promotions for your business can take place in-house or out in the marketplace via advertising and press releases as well as appearances and participation in town and chamber events. Both are important and reinforce the other. Some promotions are in a partnership with another business or group of businesses. There are a myriad of reasons to run promotions from moving old stock to bringing in new customers to gaining email addresses. Bassett Marketing & Promotion has a vast supply of creative promotional ideas for a variety of business types.

An event draws customers and gains exposure for your business or organization. As a public relations tactic, it's doubly beneficial to partner with a charitable organization for media support. It also is “a good thing to do” as it builds awareness of cause you choose to team up with. Events can draw as many people as your time, staff and budget will allow and they take planning well in advance to be successful. Bassett Marketing & Promotion was the organizer of Oktoberfest Cape Cod for seven years in additions to highly attended monthly cooking classes at a local restaurant.

Advertising Strategy
Before spending your hard earned dollars on advertising, you should know the success rate of any medium before you commit. Based on the history of other businesses like yours in your market area, Bassett Marketing & Promotion provides years of experience on Cape Cod and in Plymouth County in a wide range of media knowledge.